We have changed opening hours during holidays:

Monday, 03.02. von 8-18 Uhr

Tuesday, 04.02. von 14-19 Uhr  → die Anmeldung ist von 8-13  Uhr besetzt

Wednesday, 05.02. von 8-14 Uhr

Thursday, 06.02. von 8-14 Uhr → die Anmeldung ist von 14-18 Uhr besetzt

Friday, 07.02. von  8-14 Uhr 

We have changed opening hours during holidays:

Monday, 03.02. von 8-18 Uhr

Tuesday, 04.02. von 14-19 Uhr  → die Anmeldung ist von 8-13  Uhr besetzt

Wednesday, 05.02. von 8-14 Uhr

Thursday, 06.02. von 8-14 Uhr → die Anmeldung ist von 14-18 Uhr besetzt

Friday, 07.02. von  8-14 Uhr 

Girls’ consulting hours

During our consulting hours for teenagers, girls and young women can calmly ask all their questions on the topic of femininity, together with an accompanying person if they wish. We explain all physical and emotional changes during puberty and try to help in the event of problems. We sensitively handle topics such as menstruation, contraception, protection against infection, personal hygiene, body image and weight as well as questions and worries relating to sexuality.

We perform the recommended vaccination against HPV (cervical cancer). When it’s time for the first gynaecological examination, we take extra time, explain everything in detail and treat our young patients with great care. Girls are free to bring a friend or other trusted person to the consultation or examination.